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Below you will be able to see all of our past scheduled events. 


There was 32 days from Thanksgiving to Christmas in 2023.

In 2024, there is a short season with only 27 days from Thanksgiving till Christmas!

*= Confirmed and Reserved. After June 2024 those dates not confirmed with signed contracts and/or retainers, will be opened up for others to reserve.

January 2024

*#01 01/06/24 - Sat| PRIVATE: Mulder Family Christmas | 6:30pm  | 15+ children COMPLETED EVENT | Click Here for Photos

*#02 01/07/24 - Sun| PRIVATE: Peter & Paul Macedonian Church Orthodox Christmas | 12pm-2pm (3pm?) | many children COMPLETED EVENT | Click Here for Photos

March 2024  

*#03 3/19/24  - TuePUBLIC: Guests on The Tuesday Night Live YouTube Show (7pm Central Time on YouTube)| COMPLETED EVENT | Click Here to Watch

July 2024  

*#04 7/3/24 PUBLIC: Highland, Indiana Independence Day Evening Parade - COMPLETED EVENT |Click Here for Photos |

*#05 7/6/24 PUBLIC: Cedar Lake, Indiana Independence Day Parade - COMPLETED EVENT |Click Here for Photos |

*#06 7/20/24 PUBLIC: Christmas in July  - Lake County Corndogs Baseball (Crown Point) COMPLETED EVENT |Click Here for Photos |

Sept. 2024  

*#07 09/15/24 SatPRIVATE: Amy Paris Photography Marketing Photos | COMPLETED EVENT |Click Here for Photos |

Oct. 2024  

*#08 10/12/24 SatPUBLIC: Bri-Burton Photo Chesterton, Indiana (Family Photos) 10am-12:45pm | COMPLETED EVENT |Click Here for Photos |

November 2024

*#09 11/10/24 - Sun | PUBLIC:  Amy Paris Photography (Family Photos) Munster |COMPLETED EVENT 

*#10 11/16/24 - Sat  |PRIVATE: Terra Wealth Client Party /  in Crown Point, IN.  4pm-6pm  | COMPLETED EVENT Click Here for Photos |

*#11 11/23/24 - Sat  | PUBLIC:  Another Season Boutique Clauses in Demotte in Demotte, IN.  1pm-4pm | | COMPLETED EVENT  Click Here for Photos |

*#12 11/23/24 - Sat  | PRIVATE:  Cedar Lake Tree Lighting Party  / in Cedar Lake, IN. 6:30pm-7:30pm | | COMPLETED EVENT |

*#13 11/24/24 - Sun | |PRIVATE: Stacks Bar & Grill Toys for Tots Fundraiser / in Valpo, IN.  3pm-6pm| COMPLETED EVENT | Click Here for Photos of Event | Click Here for Child/Santa Photos |

*#14 11/29/24 - Fri. | PRIVATE: Lenson's Family Christmas Party 6pm-7pm @ Private Residence  | COMPLETED EVENT |Click Here for Photos |

*#15 11/30/24 - Sat  | PUBLIC: Highland Indiana Parade, Tree Lighting (all day) | 200+ Children | COMPLETED EVENT |Click Here for Photos |

December 2024

*#16 12/01/24 - Sun |PUBLIC: Pavoni Family & Friends "Sleigh Party" 4pm-7pm Crestwood, IL. | COMPLETED EVENT |Click Here for Photos |

*#17 12/05/24 - Thur.   |PUBLIC: Frankfort, IL. Tree Lighting Ceremony | 6pm - 9pm | COMPLETED EVENT |Click Here for Photos |

*#18 12/06/24 - Fri   |PUBLIC: Cedar Lake, In. Taylor Ice Fest & Winter Market | 6pm - 8pm | COMPLETED EVENT |Click Here for Photos |

*#19 12/07/24 - Sat  | PRIVATE: Memorial Elementary School PTO Appreciation | 9am - 12pm | COMPLETED EVENT |Click Here for Photos |

*#20 12/07/24 - Sat  | PUBLIC: Cedar Lake, In. Taylor Ice Fest & Winter Market | 4pm - 7pm | COMPLETED EVENT |Click Here for Photos |

*#21 12/08/24 - Sun | PRIVATE: Schuitema / Press Family Christmas Party 1pm @ Private Residence | COMPLETED EVENT |Click Here for Photos |

*#22 12/11/24 - Weds | PRIVATE: Story Point Memory Unit Christmas Party  | 5:30pm - 6:30pm| COMPLETED EVENT |Click Here for Photos |

*#23 12/14/24 - Sat  | PRIVATE: Mommy's Haven Supporters Thank You Event |  8am - 11:30am | COMPLETED EVENT |Click Here for Photos |

*#24 12/14/24 - Sat  | PRIVATE: The Loft Insurance Family Christmas Party (Frankfort, IL) 1:30pm - 2:30pm  | COMPLETED EVENT |Click Here for Photos |

*#25 12/14/24 - Sat  | PRIVATE: Nevaeh's Quinceanera (Merrillville, IN) 5:30pm - 6:30pm | COMPLETED EVENT |Click Here for Photos | Click Here for a Video |

*#26 12/14/24 - Sat |PRIVATE: DeSutter Family Christmas Party (Schererville, IN) 7pm - 8pm | COMPLETED EVENT |Click Here for Photos |

*#27 12/15/24 - Sun |PRIVATE: Briar Ridge Country Club Brunch w/ Santa & Mrs. Claus  10:00am - 2:00pm 350 guests | 150+ children average | COMPLETED EVENT |Click Here for Photos |

*#28 12/15/24 - Sun |PRIVATE: Hough Family Christmas Party evening 3:00pm - 4:00 @ Cedar Lake | 20+ children | COMPLETED EVENT |Click Here for Photos |

*#29 12/19/24 - Thur.  |PRIVATE: Golden Hope Ministries (child/family grief support) 6pm-8pm?| COMPLETED EVENT |Click Here for Photos |

*#30 12/20/24 - Fri  |PRIVATE: Eagle Park Community School (special needs school) Christmas Party 9am-11am | 100 + children | COMPLETED EVENT |Click Here for Photos |

*#31 12/21/24 - Sat  |  PRIVATE: Wynn Family Christmas Party evening 3pm-4pm @  St. John Indiana | 10 children | COMPLETED EVENT |Click Here for Photos |

*#32 12/21/24 - Sat  |  PRIVATE: Caudill Family Christmas Party evening 5pm-6pm @ Private Residence Crown Point | 7 children | COMPLETED EVENT |Click Here for Photos |

*#33 12/21/24 - Sat  |  PRIVATE: Rizk Family Christmas Party evening 7pm-8:30pm @ Private Residence Dyer, IN | 8 children | COMPLETED EVENT |Click Here for Photos |

*#34 12/22/24 - Sun |PRIVATE: Harton Family Christmas Party evening 5pm @  Valpo. Indiana| COMPLETED EVENT |Click Here for Photos |

*#35 12/22/24 - Sun |PRIVATE: Zamin Family Christmas Party evening 6:30pm @  Valpo. Indiana | COMPLETED EVENT |Click Here for Photos |

*#36 12/24/24 - Tue |PRIVATE: Gregory Family Christmas Party evening 7pm @ Hobart, IN.

---- 12/24/24 - Tue |Available for Sneak-a-Peaks or Tuck-INs  Normal Rates Will NOT Apply. Call or Email for Quote. Local Area Only.

*#37 12/29/24 - Sun |PRIVATE: Dykstra Family Christmas Party evening 5:15pm @ Dyer, IN.





July 2023  

#1 7/4/23 PUBLIC: Crown Point, Indiana 4th of July Parade - Santa will be in his 1973 Orange Stingray Corvette with the Crown Point Corvette Club. | COMPLETED EVENT | Click Here for Photos 


#2 7/25/23 |PUBLIC: Lake County Corn Dogs Baseball - Christmas in July - Come out to Legacy Field on July 25th to celebrate Christmas in July with Santa Claus and the Lake County Corn Dogs Baseball team. It's a holiday event you won't want to miss! COMPLETED EVENT | Click Here for Photos



September 2023

#3 09/4 - MonPUBLIC:  Labor Day Parade Lowell, Indiana Santa will be in his 1973 Orange Stingray Corvette with the Crown Point Corvette Club. | COMPLETED EVENT | Click Here for Photos 

#4 09/29 - FriPUBLIC:  Mommy's Haven Santa & Mrs. Claus Photo Shoot & Booth at Ladies Night Out Fundraiser Event. COMPLETED EVENT | Clicking Here for Photos



November 2023

#5 11/11 - SatPUBLIC:  Another Season Boutique in Demotte, IN.  1pm-4pm | Holiday Open House for Christmas Decor store. COMPLETED EVENT | Click Here for Photos | PROMO Video | Click Here for Review

#6 11/19 - SatPRIVATE:  Realtor Party for Clients  in Schererville, IN.  12pm-3:30pm |  30+ guest, children unknown

COMPLETED EVENT |Click Here for Photos | Click Here for Review

#7 11/23 - Thu |PRIVATE: Anderson Family Party 7pm-8pm Valparaiso, IN|  6 children

COMPLETED EVENT |Click Here for Photos | Click Here for Review

#8 11/25 - Sat |PUBLIC: Highland Indiana Parade, Tree Lighting (all day) | 200+ Children PROMO Video

COMPLETED EVENT |Click Here for Photos |

#9 11/26 - Sun |PRIVATE: Valadez Family Party 7pm-8pm Crown Point, IN| 5 Children



December 2023

#10 12/01/23 - Fri  | PUBLIC: Cedar Lake, In. Taylor Ice Fest & Winter Market | 6pm - 8pm | PROMO Video

COMPLETED EVENT |Click Here for Photos | Click Here for Review

#11 12/02/23 - Sat | PUBLIC: Cedar Lake, In. Taylor Ice Fest & Winter Market | 6pm - 8pm | PROMO Video

COMPLETED EVENT |Click Here for Photos | Click Here for Review

#12 12/03/23 - SunPUBLIC: Pavoni Family & Friends "Sleigh Party" 4pm-7pm Crestwood, IL. |  50-75 children | PROMO Video

COMPLETED EVENT |Click Here for Photos Click Here for Review

#13 12/09/23 - Sat |PRIVATE: Corporate Christmas Party (State Farm) 1pm- 2pm @ Beecher, IL. | 15-20 children

COMPLETED EVENT |Click Here for Photos Click Here for Review

#14 12/09/23 - Sat |PRIVATE: DeSutter Family Christmas Party 6pm @ Crown Point | 13 children

COMPLETED EVENT |Click Here for Photos Click Here for Review

#15 12/10/23 - SunPRIVATE: Hough Family Christmas Party 2pm @  Cedar Lake | 20 children 

COMPLETED EVENT |Click Here for Photos 

#16 12/13/23 - WedPRIVATE: Senior Living Center 2:30pm-4pm in Schererville, Indiana | 50+ seniors

COMPLETED EVENT |Click Here for Photos |

 #17 12/16/23 - Sat PRIVATE: Mair Family Christmas Party 1pm @ Private Residence |9 children

COMPLETED EVENT |Click Here for Photos |

#18 12/16/23 - Sat PRIVATE: Caudill Family Christmas Party 5pm @ Private Residence | 7 children

COMPLETED EVENT |Click Here for Photos Click Here for Review

#19 12/17/23 - Sun|  PRIVATE: Schuitema / Press Family Christmas Party 1pm @ Private Residence |

COMPLETED EVENT |Click Here for Photos |

#20 12/17/23 - Sun|  PUBLIC: Cafe Fresco by Zivkovich Family & Around Square 3pm to 4pm @ Private Residence |

COMPLETED EVENT |Click Here for Photos of Cafe Fresco|Click Here for Photos of Around the Square 

#21 12/20/23 - Wed PRIVATE: Franciscan Senior Health & Wellness - Santa will be at the 2023 PACE Christmas Party.  10am-2pm.  Also we will be going around the Franciscan Hospital after the PACE event visiting patients and floors. COMPLETED EVENT |Click Here for Photos |

#22 12/22/23 - Fri| PRIVATE: Eagle Park Community School (special needs school) Christmas Party 9am-11am | 100 + children

COMPLETED EVENT |Click Here for Photos |

#23 12/22/23 - Fri| PRIVATE: Camery Christmas Party  6:30pm @ Private Residence | 6 children. 

COMPLETED EVENT |Click Here for Photos |