Photo Credit: Amy Paris Photography - Click Images to View Larger
International Santa Clause Hall of Fame
Hire Santa (Booking Agency)
Santa Visits USA (Booking Agency)
Santa Clause Network
IBRBS (International Brotherhood of Real Bearded Santa's)
National Santa Membership
Santa Claus Podcast
Kringle Tracker (Software for Santa's Business)
School For Santa's
Charles W. Howard Santa Claus School
Worldwide Santa Claus Network (School)
Christmas Performer Workshops (School)
Kringle University (School)
Northern Lights Santa Academy (School)
Pro Santa School (School)
Santa Nana's Holiday University (School)
Santa and the Driver (Steve & Debra Gillham )
S.O.S School of Santa's
Santa America (Volunteer Organization: Autism, Hospice, PTSD)
North Pole Cornerstones
Toys Through the Years
The Bob, Randyl and Company Live Show ( MONDAYS: YouTube Live Video )
The Tuesday Night Live Show (TUESDAYS: YouTube Live Video )
Kringle Brothers Live Show (Wednesday: YouTube Live Video )
North Pole Radio Podcast
The Professional Santa Claus Podcast
The Professional Santa Claus Podcast
Making of Santa (Great Starter Book, Highly Recommend)
Beyond the Beard (Exploring the Collective History of Santa)
Behind the Red Suit (Book)
Man in the Red Suite: A Memoir (Book)
Becoming Santa Documentary (DVD)
Got2b Glued Blast (Freeze Hairspray)
Men's White Pirate Shirt
White Beaded Parade Gloves (great for turning books)
Ridetecs 16" Motorcycle Leather Boots
Costumes for Santa
Planet Santa
Historic Santa Suites
Pro Santa Shop
Santa & Co. LLC
Adele's of Hollywood
Angies Originals
Morris Costumes (Halco)
Santa Tailor
Sew Santa
Costume Magic
Victorian Choice (Mrs. Claus Dresses)
Recollections (Mrs. Claus Dresses)
Santa’s Closet
Best Prescription Santa Glasses
Quality Santa Glasses
Hampton Roads Santa Items
Santa North Pole Outlet
Stuff for Santa
Santa's One Stop Shop
North Pole Outfitter
Thermapparel Cooling Vest
Live Bearded Claus Products (Beard Products)
Santa Scents (Beard Products)
My Dapper Donkey (Mrs. Claus Hats)
Beard Brand (Beard Products - Tree Ranger Smells like Pine and Cedar)
Sleigh Master (Beard Products)
Sleigh Driver (Apparel Products)
Santa Beard & Wig (designer beards & wigs)
Custom Wig Co. (designer beards & wigs)
Camera Ready Make-Up (Beard Whitening )
Custom Santa Hats
Sleigh Boy (Apparel)
Colored Santa Suits & Hats
Arrow Leather Products
New Creation Leather Craft (belts and more)
Reindeer Cards & Books
Santa's Bathing Suit (Bathing Suits, Carpet Bags [good prop bag] and more.)
Sports Clothing Jerseys/Jackets (They have Christmas Designs)
Santa Jerry's Portable Chair
I Met Santa Stickers
I Met Mrs. Claus Stickers
Personalized Santa Stickers
Santa RenShirts (Santa Shirts)
Roberta B Wells Shirt (Santa Shirts)
Best Santa Outfit
Belts and Bells
Santa Tim's Workshop (Designer Santa Hats & Digital Backdrops)
Magic Meter
Santa Magic (Santa Insurance through Larry Talbert, and magic items)
Classic Bells
Jacquiel Lawson (digital Christmas Cards)
Kate Back Drops (Photographer Backdrops)
Epic Id's (Christmas Identifications)
Digital Business Card Platform (great wrist bands)
House Claus (great scarf)
Scrolls Unlimited (Christmas Scrolls, Candy Cane Scrolls, Custom Scrolls)
Commercial Christmas Supplies
Throne Kingdom (Santa Thrones)
Personalized Wrapping Paper
Medieval Collectibles
Christmas Patches & Coins
6' Leather String Sleigh Bells
Santa Magic
Santa Chairs, Mail-Box, Displays
Candy Cane Staff / Cane
Poem by: By Santa Philip D. Gurganus
| Reindeer Cards .pdf | Reindeer Cards .doc |
| Naughty & Nice List in Elvish .pdf |
| Child Questionnaire.pdf |Child Questionnaire.doc|
|Prep & Landing w/fireplace.doc|Prep & Landing w/no fireplace.doc|
| Giver-Bell Ornament Identification Tag.pdf |
|Click Here to Order Brass Bells to Go with Tag |
| Christmas Coloring Book Pages |
| Candy Cane Story |
(Print off and wrap around candy canes)
(Short-Stories Written by Doug Van Der Weide)
Feel free to print these stories out and share them with your children. I personally laminated them on old fashioned paper and use them with props to share stories with my children. The stories are written in a Dr. Seuss style and are short enough that you can elaborate on the story or you can tell several stories during your visits. These stories can also be great for Mrs. Claus to read while Santa holds and shows a related prop.
|Christmas Tree Origins| How Santa Met Mrs. Claus | How Santa's Reindeer Fly | Light of Christmas | North Pole Reindeer Baseball | North Star | Peppermint Dust | Santa Sneaks | Tim the Elf | Santa Cookies | Santa's Magic Key | Santa's Top Reindeer | The Reason for the Season |Mrs. Claus's Keys | Santa's Bugle - Sounding in Christmas | Santa's Reindeer Whistle | Spirit of Christmas Tower | Magic Key and Three Wise Men | Magical Snowflake (Leon McBryde story| North Pole Volcanic Rock | Rupes Nigra White Volcanic Rock | White Feather Story (Steve Gillham's story) |Christmas Spider (old European story) | Santa's Unicorn Horn | Grinch & His Redemption | Grinch & His Redemption Story Images |
If you use an iPhone you can download an app called "TWINS" which will allow you to split screen. This app cost me $20 for a lifetime purchase. It allows me to have the audio and script on one screen. At the top of the script I also put an image that looks like you are on the phone with someone at the North Pole. That way if a kids looks over your shoulder you can quick scroll up to the image.
Script | Broke Assembly Line | Naughty or Nice on Edge | Naughty/Nice: Adult | Alarm in the Power Room |
(Click on Image Above to See an Example)
Contract.pdf | Contract.doc | Child Questionnaire.pdf | Child Questionnaire.doc
| Event Details Form.pdf | Event Details Form.doc |
Doug LLC reserves the right to make all decisions whether or not to include an external link, and can remove or add any link at any time.
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